About MilkyBrew

 About MilkyBrew

Hi, my name is Emily, and I started my channel 'MilkyBrew' in January 2020. With it being the 4th channel I've had since I was 12, I decided that this one would be my 'forever' channel- all of the videos on my old channels ('emilyandpupvlogs', 'emilyschannel', 'frenchyfilmsvideos' and 'emlaurenb') were deleted or privatised as they were way too embarrassing. Not that these videos won't be embarrassing either lmao.

I'm the sole creator behind the channel, but there are many people that regularly feature in videos. Here's a bit about them:


I am 19 years old, I study Education with Psychology and Counselling in Sheffield, and am aiming to be a primary school teacher. You can learn more about my career and education goals in one of my more personal videos, My University Story.

I'm on Instagram @emlaurenbrewin, where you will find way too many stories of me pretending to be an influencer, pictures of my gorgeous doggo Ollie, and occasional deep or activist captions.

I hold many identities, but I live my life for Jesus and that is the identity I talk the most about. I do aim to put more Christian content on my channel at some point, but I want to get it right as it's a massive part of who I am. I will publicise my testimony when people are ready to watch a 3 hour long video lol.


Hannah is my best friend. We grew up in the same school, but only really 'met' and got to know each other when we both got our dogs in 2013. We often refer to our friendship as a marriage because we know each other so deeply, and we fight for each other when times get hard. We share many of the same interests (such as travelling, music and psychology) and also the same passion for God. In fact, Hannah was one of the people that introduced me to Christ- something I'll forever be thankful for. 

The Dingos

'The Dingos' is the name of my friend group that consists of Hannah, Ella (left) and Katie (right). We often refer to ourselves as a family with Hannah and I as the parents, Ella as our older, and Katie as our younger daughter. We actually all went to the same primary and secondary school. As kids, Ella and I had a close friendship, and Katie and Hannah were part of the same friend group in secondary school- but we didn't form the Dingos until 2017. We love to travel together, and have sleepovers!


The reason Ella is our oldest is because she is so mature! She loves a drink (or three), has the darkest humour and gives the best comebacks!

Katie ('Kates') is so easily pleased, innocent, excitable and yet so chill. She is a firm vegan and takes all of our teasing with eye rolls or laughter.

The Fabulous ('Fab') 4

Yes I name all of my friend groups, leave me alone. The Fab 4 consists of myself, Hannah, Chris (left) and Stephen (right). Whilst we shared some classes with Chris in high school, Hannah and I didn't meet the boys until we went to college in 2017. We hung out as part of a larger group of friends, and then all went to Hannah's for Pancake Day in 2019. From then on, we just started hanging out every Wednesday evening as a night off from our A level revision. We'd be up until 5am drinking and/or talking about the craziest or deepest of things.

Chris is the ultimate Dad. He loves to drink, he loves his car and he loves to look after his friends. He's goofy, fun and asks the most unique questions.

Stephen, or 'Step' as we call him, is definitely the most sensible of the Fab 4. His sense of humour is dirty and dark, and he cares about us all so deeply.

My Family
My parents, Paul and Jo have been married for almost 25 years. Whilst my relationship with them was very rocky when I was a teen, now we are so close. My mum and I are very similar, so when things are great, you'll hear us both cackling, and when we're both moody- well, you'll know about it.
My brother, Adam is 3 and 1/4 years younger than me, and whilst he drives me up the wall, I have won the lottery of brothers. We love each other so much, even though we don't always show it.
Ollie, our cockapoo is 7 years old, and we got him as a puppy. He loves us and makes us laugh so much. He is the missing piece to our crazy family.


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